Package 'joyn'

Title: Tool for Diagnosis of Tables Joins and Complementary Join Features
Description: Tool for diagnosing table joins. It combines the speed of `collapse` and `data.table`, the flexibility of `dplyr`, and the diagnosis and features of the `merge` command in `Stata`.
Authors: R.Andres Castaneda [aut, cre], Zander Prinsloo [aut], Rossana Tatulli [aut]
Maintainer: R.Andres Castaneda <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.2.4
Built: 2025-02-16 05:47:35 UTC

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Anti join on two data frames


This is a joyn wrapper that works in a similar fashion to dplyr::anti_join


  by = intersect(names(x), names(y)),
  copy = FALSE,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = NULL,
  na_matches = c("na", "never"),
  multiple = "all",
  relationship = "many-to-many",
  y_vars_to_keep = FALSE,
  reportvar = getOption("joyn.reportvar"),
  reporttype = c("factor", "character", "numeric"),
  roll = NULL,
  keep_common_vars = FALSE,
  sort = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"),



data frame: referred to as left in R terminology, or master in Stata terminology.


data frame: referred to as right in R terminology, or using in Stata terminology.


a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, joyn will do a natural join, using all variables with common names across the two tables. A message lists the variables so that you can check they're correct (to suppress the message, simply explicitly list the variables that you want to join). To join by different variables on x and y use a vector of expressions. For example, by = c("a = b", "z") will use "a" in x, "b" in y, and "z" in both tables.


If x and y are not from the same data source, and copy is TRUE, then y will be copied into the same src as x. This allows you to join tables across srcs, but it is a potentially expensive operation so you must opt into it.


If there are non-joined duplicate variables in x and y, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.


Should the join keys from both x and y be preserved in the output?

  • If NULL, the default, joins on equality retain only the keys from x, while joins on inequality retain the keys from both inputs.

  • If TRUE, all keys from both inputs are retained.

  • If FALSE, only keys from x are retained. For right and full joins, the data in key columns corresponding to rows that only exist in y are merged into the key columns from x. Can't be used when joining on inequality conditions.


Should two NA or two NaN values match?

  • "na", the default, treats two NA or two NaN values as equal, like %in%, match(), and merge().

  • "never" treats two NA or two NaN values as different, and will never match them together or to any other values. This is similar to joins for database sources and to base::merge(incomparables = NA).


Handling of rows in x with multiple matches in y. For each row of x:

  • "all", the default, returns every match detected in y. This is the same behavior as SQL.

  • "any" returns one match detected in y, with no guarantees on which match will be returned. It is often faster than "first" and "last" if you just need to detect if there is at least one match.

  • "first" returns the first match detected in y.

  • "last" returns the last match detected in y.


Handling of the expected relationship between the keys of x and y. If the expectations chosen from the list below are invalidated, an error is thrown.

  • NULL, the default, doesn't expect there to be any relationship between x and y. However, for equality joins it will check for a many-to-many relationship (which is typically unexpected) and will warn if one occurs, encouraging you to either take a closer look at your inputs or make this relationship explicit by specifying "many-to-many".

    See the Many-to-many relationships section for more details.

  • "one-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "one-to-many" expects:

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "many-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

  • "many-to-many" doesn't perform any relationship checks, but is provided to allow you to be explicit about this relationship if you know it exists.

relationship doesn't handle cases where there are zero matches. For that, see unmatched.


character: Vector of variable names in y that will be kept after the merge. If TRUE (the default), it keeps all the brings all the variables in y into x. If FALSE or NULL, it does not bring any variable into x, but a report will be generated.


character: Name of reporting variable. Default is ".joyn". This is the same as variable "_merge" in Stata after performing a merge. If FALSE or NULL, the reporting variable will be excluded from the final table, though a summary of the join will be display after concluding.


character: One of "character" or "numeric". Default is "character". If "numeric", the reporting variable will contain numeric codes of the source and the contents of each observation in the joined table. See below for more information.


double: to be implemented


logical: If TRUE, it will keep the original variable from y when both tables have common variable names. Thus, the prefix "y." will be added to the original name to distinguish from the resulting variable in the joined table.


logical: If TRUE, sort by key variables in by. Default is FALSE.


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed on to joyn


character: one of "m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1". Default is "1:1" since this the most restrictive. However, following Stata's recommendation, it is better to be explicit and use any of the other three match types (See details in match types sections).


logical: If TRUE, it will update NA values of all variables in x with actual values of variables in y that have the same name as the ones in x. If FALSE, NA values won't be updated, even if update_values is TRUE


logical: If TRUE, it will update all values of variables in x with the actual of variables in y with the same name as the ones in x. NAs from y won't be used to update actual values in x. Yet, by default, NAs in x will be updated with values in y. To avoid this, make sure to set update_NAs = FALSE


logical: Check documentation in official web site. Default is NULL, which implies that if the join is "1:1" it will be FALSE, but if the join has any "m" on it, it will be converted to TRUE. By specifying TRUE of FALSE you force the behavior of the join.


A character(2) specifying the suffixes to be used for making non-by column names unique. The suffix behaviour works in a similar fashion as the base::merge method does.


[Superseded]: use now y_vars_to_keep


[Superseded]: use now keep_common_vars


character: type of messages to display by default


logical. If TRUE, missing values in the data are placed last; if FALSE, they are placed first; if NA they are removed. na.last=NA is valid only for x[order(., na.last)] and its default is TRUE. setorder and setorderv only accept TRUE/FALSE with default FALSE.


An data frame of the same class as x. The properties of the output are as close as possible to the ones returned by the dplyr alternative.

See Also

Other dplyr alternatives: full_join(), inner_join(), left_join(), right_join()


# Simple anti join

x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = 11:15)
y1 = data.table(id = c(1,2, 4),
                y  = c(11L, 15L, 16))
anti_join(x1, y1, relationship = "many-to-one")

Tabulate simple frequencies


tabulate one variable frequencies


freq_table(x, byvar, digits = 1, na.rm = FALSE, freq_var_name = "n")



data frame


character: name of variable to tabulate. Use Standard evaluation.


numeric: number of decimal places to display. Default is 1.


logical: report NA values in frequencies. Default is FALSE.


character: name for frequency variable. Default is "n"


data.table with frequencies.


x4 = data.table(id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3),
                id2 = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4),
                t   = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x   = c(16, 12, NA, NA, 15))
freq_table(x4, "id1")

Full join two data frames


This is a joyn wrapper that works in a similar fashion to dplyr::full_join


  by = intersect(names(x), names(y)),
  copy = FALSE,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = NULL,
  na_matches = c("na", "never"),
  multiple = "all",
  unmatched = "drop",
  relationship = "one-to-one",
  y_vars_to_keep = TRUE,
  update_values = FALSE,
  update_NAs = update_values,
  reportvar = getOption("joyn.reportvar"),
  reporttype = c("factor", "character", "numeric"),
  roll = NULL,
  keep_common_vars = FALSE,
  sort = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"),



data frame: referred to as left in R terminology, or master in Stata terminology.


data frame: referred to as right in R terminology, or using in Stata terminology.


a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, joyn will do a natural join, using all variables with common names across the two tables. A message lists the variables so that you can check they're correct (to suppress the message, simply explicitly list the variables that you want to join). To join by different variables on x and y use a vector of expressions. For example, by = c("a = b", "z") will use "a" in x, "b" in y, and "z" in both tables.


If x and y are not from the same data source, and copy is TRUE, then y will be copied into the same src as x. This allows you to join tables across srcs, but it is a potentially expensive operation so you must opt into it.


If there are non-joined duplicate variables in x and y, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.


Should the join keys from both x and y be preserved in the output?

  • If NULL, the default, joins on equality retain only the keys from x, while joins on inequality retain the keys from both inputs.

  • If TRUE, all keys from both inputs are retained.

  • If FALSE, only keys from x are retained. For right and full joins, the data in key columns corresponding to rows that only exist in y are merged into the key columns from x. Can't be used when joining on inequality conditions.


Should two NA or two NaN values match?

  • "na", the default, treats two NA or two NaN values as equal, like %in%, match(), and merge().

  • "never" treats two NA or two NaN values as different, and will never match them together or to any other values. This is similar to joins for database sources and to base::merge(incomparables = NA).


Handling of rows in x with multiple matches in y. For each row of x:

  • "all", the default, returns every match detected in y. This is the same behavior as SQL.

  • "any" returns one match detected in y, with no guarantees on which match will be returned. It is often faster than "first" and "last" if you just need to detect if there is at least one match.

  • "first" returns the first match detected in y.

  • "last" returns the last match detected in y.


How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rows be handled?

  • "drop" drops unmatched keys from the result.

  • "error" throws an error if unmatched keys are detected.

unmatched is intended to protect you from accidentally dropping rows during a join. It only checks for unmatched keys in the input that could potentially drop rows.

  • For left joins, it checks y.

  • For right joins, it checks x.

  • For inner joins, it checks both x and y. In this case, unmatched is also allowed to be a character vector of length 2 to specify the behavior for x and y independently.


Handling of the expected relationship between the keys of x and y. If the expectations chosen from the list below are invalidated, an error is thrown.

  • NULL, the default, doesn't expect there to be any relationship between x and y. However, for equality joins it will check for a many-to-many relationship (which is typically unexpected) and will warn if one occurs, encouraging you to either take a closer look at your inputs or make this relationship explicit by specifying "many-to-many".

    See the Many-to-many relationships section for more details.

  • "one-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "one-to-many" expects:

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "many-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

  • "many-to-many" doesn't perform any relationship checks, but is provided to allow you to be explicit about this relationship if you know it exists.

relationship doesn't handle cases where there are zero matches. For that, see unmatched.


character: Vector of variable names in y that will be kept after the merge. If TRUE (the default), it keeps all the brings all the variables in y into x. If FALSE or NULL, it does not bring any variable into x, but a report will be generated.


logical: If TRUE, it will update all values of variables in x with the actual of variables in y with the same name as the ones in x. NAs from y won't be used to update actual values in x. Yet, by default, NAs in x will be updated with values in y. To avoid this, make sure to set update_NAs = FALSE


logical: If TRUE, it will update NA values of all variables in x with actual values of variables in y that have the same name as the ones in x. If FALSE, NA values won't be updated, even if update_values is TRUE


character: Name of reporting variable. Default is ".joyn". This is the same as variable "_merge" in Stata after performing a merge. If FALSE or NULL, the reporting variable will be excluded from the final table, though a summary of the join will be display after concluding.


character: One of "character" or "numeric". Default is "character". If "numeric", the reporting variable will contain numeric codes of the source and the contents of each observation in the joined table. See below for more information.


double: to be implemented


logical: If TRUE, it will keep the original variable from y when both tables have common variable names. Thus, the prefix "y." will be added to the original name to distinguish from the resulting variable in the joined table.


logical: If TRUE, sort by key variables in by. Default is FALSE.


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed on to joyn


character: one of "m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1". Default is "1:1" since this the most restrictive. However, following Stata's recommendation, it is better to be explicit and use any of the other three match types (See details in match types sections).


logical: Check documentation in official web site. Default is NULL, which implies that if the join is "1:1" it will be FALSE, but if the join has any "m" on it, it will be converted to TRUE. By specifying TRUE of FALSE you force the behavior of the join.


A character(2) specifying the suffixes to be used for making non-by column names unique. The suffix behaviour works in a similar fashion as the base::merge method does.


[Superseded]: use now y_vars_to_keep


[Superseded]: use now keep_common_vars


character: type of messages to display by default


logical. If TRUE, missing values in the data are placed last; if FALSE, they are placed first; if NA they are removed. na.last=NA is valid only for x[order(., na.last)] and its default is TRUE. setorder and setorderv only accept TRUE/FALSE with default FALSE.


An data frame of the same class as x. The properties of the output are as close as possible to the ones returned by the dplyr alternative.

See Also

Other dplyr alternatives: anti_join(), inner_join(), left_join(), right_join()


# Simple full join

x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = 11:15)
y1 = data.table(id = c(1,2, 4),
                y  = c(11L, 15L, 16))
full_join(x1, y1, relationship = "many-to-one")

Get joyn options


This function aims to display and store info on joyn options


get_joyn_options(env = .joynenv, display = TRUE, option = NULL)



environment, which is joyn environment by default


logical, if TRUE displays (i.e., print) info on joyn options and corresponding default and current values


character or NULL. If character, name of a specific joyn option. If NULL, all joyn options


joyn options and values invisibly as a list

See Also

JOYn options functions set_joyn_options()


## Not run: 

# display all joyn options, their default and current values

# store list of option = value pairs AND do not display info
joyn_options <- joyn:::get_joyn_options(display = FALSE)

# get info on one specific option and store it
joyn.verbose <- joyn:::get_joyn_options(option = "joyn.verbose")

# get info on two specific option
joyn:::get_joyn_options(option = c("joyn.verbose", "joyn.reportvar"))

## End(Not run)

Inner join two data frames


This is a joyn wrapper that works in a similar fashion to dplyr::inner_join


  by = intersect(names(x), names(y)),
  copy = FALSE,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = NULL,
  na_matches = c("na", "never"),
  multiple = "all",
  unmatched = "drop",
  relationship = "one-to-one",
  y_vars_to_keep = TRUE,
  update_values = FALSE,
  update_NAs = update_values,
  reportvar = getOption("joyn.reportvar"),
  reporttype = c("factor", "character", "numeric"),
  roll = NULL,
  keep_common_vars = FALSE,
  sort = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"),



data frame: referred to as left in R terminology, or master in Stata terminology.


data frame: referred to as right in R terminology, or using in Stata terminology.


a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, joyn will do a natural join, using all variables with common names across the two tables. A message lists the variables so that you can check they're correct (to suppress the message, simply explicitly list the variables that you want to join). To join by different variables on x and y use a vector of expressions. For example, by = c("a = b", "z") will use "a" in x, "b" in y, and "z" in both tables.


If x and y are not from the same data source, and copy is TRUE, then y will be copied into the same src as x. This allows you to join tables across srcs, but it is a potentially expensive operation so you must opt into it.


If there are non-joined duplicate variables in x and y, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.


Should the join keys from both x and y be preserved in the output?

  • If NULL, the default, joins on equality retain only the keys from x, while joins on inequality retain the keys from both inputs.

  • If TRUE, all keys from both inputs are retained.

  • If FALSE, only keys from x are retained. For right and full joins, the data in key columns corresponding to rows that only exist in y are merged into the key columns from x. Can't be used when joining on inequality conditions.


Should two NA or two NaN values match?

  • "na", the default, treats two NA or two NaN values as equal, like %in%, match(), and merge().

  • "never" treats two NA or two NaN values as different, and will never match them together or to any other values. This is similar to joins for database sources and to base::merge(incomparables = NA).


Handling of rows in x with multiple matches in y. For each row of x:

  • "all", the default, returns every match detected in y. This is the same behavior as SQL.

  • "any" returns one match detected in y, with no guarantees on which match will be returned. It is often faster than "first" and "last" if you just need to detect if there is at least one match.

  • "first" returns the first match detected in y.

  • "last" returns the last match detected in y.


How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rows be handled?

  • "drop" drops unmatched keys from the result.

  • "error" throws an error if unmatched keys are detected.

unmatched is intended to protect you from accidentally dropping rows during a join. It only checks for unmatched keys in the input that could potentially drop rows.

  • For left joins, it checks y.

  • For right joins, it checks x.

  • For inner joins, it checks both x and y. In this case, unmatched is also allowed to be a character vector of length 2 to specify the behavior for x and y independently.


Handling of the expected relationship between the keys of x and y. If the expectations chosen from the list below are invalidated, an error is thrown.

  • NULL, the default, doesn't expect there to be any relationship between x and y. However, for equality joins it will check for a many-to-many relationship (which is typically unexpected) and will warn if one occurs, encouraging you to either take a closer look at your inputs or make this relationship explicit by specifying "many-to-many".

    See the Many-to-many relationships section for more details.

  • "one-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "one-to-many" expects:

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "many-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

  • "many-to-many" doesn't perform any relationship checks, but is provided to allow you to be explicit about this relationship if you know it exists.

relationship doesn't handle cases where there are zero matches. For that, see unmatched.


character: Vector of variable names in y that will be kept after the merge. If TRUE (the default), it keeps all the brings all the variables in y into x. If FALSE or NULL, it does not bring any variable into x, but a report will be generated.


logical: If TRUE, it will update all values of variables in x with the actual of variables in y with the same name as the ones in x. NAs from y won't be used to update actual values in x. Yet, by default, NAs in x will be updated with values in y. To avoid this, make sure to set update_NAs = FALSE


logical: If TRUE, it will update NA values of all variables in x with actual values of variables in y that have the same name as the ones in x. If FALSE, NA values won't be updated, even if update_values is TRUE


character: Name of reporting variable. Default is ".joyn". This is the same as variable "_merge" in Stata after performing a merge. If FALSE or NULL, the reporting variable will be excluded from the final table, though a summary of the join will be display after concluding.


character: One of "character" or "numeric". Default is "character". If "numeric", the reporting variable will contain numeric codes of the source and the contents of each observation in the joined table. See below for more information.


double: to be implemented


logical: If TRUE, it will keep the original variable from y when both tables have common variable names. Thus, the prefix "y." will be added to the original name to distinguish from the resulting variable in the joined table.


logical: If TRUE, sort by key variables in by. Default is FALSE.


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed on to joyn


character: one of "m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1". Default is "1:1" since this the most restrictive. However, following Stata's recommendation, it is better to be explicit and use any of the other three match types (See details in match types sections).


logical: Check documentation in official web site. Default is NULL, which implies that if the join is "1:1" it will be FALSE, but if the join has any "m" on it, it will be converted to TRUE. By specifying TRUE of FALSE you force the behavior of the join.


A character(2) specifying the suffixes to be used for making non-by column names unique. The suffix behaviour works in a similar fashion as the base::merge method does.


[Superseded]: use now y_vars_to_keep


[Superseded]: use now keep_common_vars


character: type of messages to display by default


logical. If TRUE, missing values in the data are placed last; if FALSE, they are placed first; if NA they are removed. na.last=NA is valid only for x[order(., na.last)] and its default is TRUE. setorder and setorderv only accept TRUE/FALSE with default FALSE.


An data frame of the same class as x. The properties of the output are as close as possible to the ones returned by the dplyr alternative.

See Also

Other dplyr alternatives: anti_join(), full_join(), left_join(), right_join()


# Simple full join

x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = 11:15)
y1 = data.table(id = c(1,2, 4),
                y  = c(11L, 15L, 16))
inner_join(x1, y1, relationship = "many-to-one")

Is data frame balanced by group?


Check if the data frame is balanced by group of columns, i.e., if it contains every combination of the elements in the specified variables


is_balanced(df, by, return = c("logic", "table"))



data frame


character: variables used to check if df is balanced


character: either "logic" or "table". If "logic", returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether data frame is balanced. If "table" returns the unbalanced observations - i.e. the combinations of elements in specified variables not found in input df


logical, if return == "logic", else returns data frame of unbalanced observations


x1 = data.frame(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = 11:15)
is_balanced(df = x1,
            by = c("id", "t"),
            return = "table") # returns combination of elements in "id" and "t" not present in df
is_balanced(df = x1,
            by = c("id", "t"),
            return = "logic") # FALSE

Check if dt is uniquely identified by by variable


report if dt is uniquely identified by by var or, if report = TRUE, the duplicates in by variable


  verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose", default = FALSE),
  return_report = FALSE



either right of left table


variable to merge by


logical: if TRUE messages will be displayed


logical: if TRUE, returns data with summary of duplicates. If FALSE, returns logical value depending on whether dt is uniquely identified by by


logical or data.frame, depending on the value of argument return_report



# example with data frame not uniquely identified by `by` var

y <- data.table(id = c("c","b", "c", "a"),
                 y  = c(11L, 15L, 18L, 20L))
is_id(y, by = "id")
is_id(y, by = "id", return_report = TRUE)

# example with data frame uniquely identified by `by` var

y1 <- data.table(id = c("1","3", "2", "9"),
                 y  = c(11L, 15L, 18L, 20L))
is_id(y1, by = "id")

Join two tables


This is the primary function in the joyn package. It executes a full join, performs a number of checks, and filters to allow the user-specified join.


  by = intersect(names(x), names(y)),
  match_type = c("1:1", "1:m", "m:1", "m:m"),
  keep = c("full", "left", "master", "right", "using", "inner", "anti"),
  y_vars_to_keep = ifelse(keep == "anti", FALSE, TRUE),
  update_values = FALSE,
  update_NAs = update_values,
  reportvar = getOption("joyn.reportvar"),
  reporttype = c("factor", "character", "numeric"),
  roll = NULL,
  keep_common_vars = FALSE,
  sort = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"),
  suffixes = getOption("joyn.suffixes"),
  allow.cartesian = deprecated(),
  yvars = deprecated(),
  keep_y_in_x = deprecated(),
  na.last = getOption(""),
  msg_type = getOption("joyn.msg_type")



data frame: referred to as left in R terminology, or master in Stata terminology.


data frame: referred to as right in R terminology, or using in Stata terminology.


a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, joyn will do a natural join, using all variables with common names across the two tables. A message lists the variables so that you can check they're correct (to suppress the message, simply explicitly list the variables that you want to join). To join by different variables on x and y use a vector of expressions. For example, by = c("a = b", "z") will use "a" in x, "b" in y, and "z" in both tables.


character: one of "m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1". Default is "1:1" since this the most restrictive. However, following Stata's recommendation, it is better to be explicit and use any of the other three match types (See details in match types sections).


atomic character vector of length 1: One of "full", "left", "master", "right", "using", "inner". Default is "full". Even though this is not the regular behavior of joins in R, the objective of joyn is to present a diagnosis of the join which requires a full join. That is why the default is a a full join. Yet, if "left" or "master", it keeps the observations that matched in both tables and the ones that did not match in x. The ones in y will be discarded. If "right" or "using", it keeps the observations that matched in both tables and the ones that did not match in y. The ones in x will be discarded. If "inner", it only keeps the observations that matched both tables. Note that if, for example, a ⁠keep = "left", the ⁠joyn()⁠function still executes a full join under the hood and then filters so that only rows the output table is a left join. This behaviour, while inefficient, allows all the diagnostics and checks conducted by⁠joyn'.


character: Vector of variable names in y that will be kept after the merge. If TRUE (the default), it keeps all the brings all the variables in y into x. If FALSE or NULL, it does not bring any variable into x, but a report will be generated.


logical: If TRUE, it will update all values of variables in x with the actual of variables in y with the same name as the ones in x. NAs from y won't be used to update actual values in x. Yet, by default, NAs in x will be updated with values in y. To avoid this, make sure to set update_NAs = FALSE


logical: If TRUE, it will update NA values of all variables in x with actual values of variables in y that have the same name as the ones in x. If FALSE, NA values won't be updated, even if update_values is TRUE


character: Name of reporting variable. Default is ".joyn". This is the same as variable "_merge" in Stata after performing a merge. If FALSE or NULL, the reporting variable will be excluded from the final table, though a summary of the join will be display after concluding.


character: One of "character" or "numeric". Default is "character". If "numeric", the reporting variable will contain numeric codes of the source and the contents of each observation in the joined table. See below for more information.


double: to be implemented


logical: If TRUE, it will keep the original variable from y when both tables have common variable names. Thus, the prefix "y." will be added to the original name to distinguish from the resulting variable in the joined table.


logical: If TRUE, sort by key variables in by. Default is FALSE.


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


A character(2) specifying the suffixes to be used for making non-by column names unique. The suffix behaviour works in a similar fashion as the base::merge method does.


logical: Check documentation in official web site. Default is NULL, which implies that if the join is "1:1" it will be FALSE, but if the join has any "m" on it, it will be converted to TRUE. By specifying TRUE of FALSE you force the behavior of the join.


[Superseded]: use now y_vars_to_keep


[Superseded]: use now keep_common_vars


logical. If TRUE, missing values in the data are placed last; if FALSE, they are placed first; if NA they are removed. na.last=NA is valid only for x[order(., na.last)] and its default is TRUE. setorder and setorderv only accept TRUE/FALSE with default FALSE.


character: type of messages to display by default


a data.table joining x and y.

match types

Using the same wording of the Stata manual

1:1: specifies a one-to-one match merge. The variables specified in by uniquely identify single observations in both table.

1:m and m:1: specify one-to-many and many-to-one match merges, respectively. This means that in of the tables the observations are uniquely identify by the variables in by, while in the other table many (two or more) of the observations are identify by the variables in by

m:m refers to many-to-many merge. variables in by does not uniquely identify the observations in either table. Matching is performed by combining observations with equal values in by; within matching values, the first observation in the master (i.e. left or x) table is matched with the first matching observation in the using (i.e. right or y) table; the second, with the second; and so on. If there is an unequal number of observations within a group, then the last observation of the shorter group is used repeatedly to match with subsequent observations of the longer group.


If reporttype = "numeric", then the numeric values have the following meaning:

1: row comes from x, i.e. "x" 2: row comes from y, i.e. "y" 3: row from both x and y, i.e. "x & y" 4: row has NA in x that has been updated with y, i.e. "NA updated" 5: row has valued in x that has been updated with y, i.e. "value updated" 6: row from x that has not been updated, i.e. "not updated"

NAs order

NAs are placed either at first or at last in the resulting data.frame depending on the value of getOption(""). The Default is FALSE as it is the default value of data.table::setorderv.


# Simple join
x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
x  = 11:15)

y1 = data.table(id = 1:2,
                y  = c(11L, 15L))

x2 = data.table(id = c(1, 1, 2, 3, NA),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = c(16, 12, NA, NA, 15))

y2 = data.table(id = c(1, 2, 5, 6, 3),
              yd = c(1, 2, 5, 6, 3),
              y  = c(11L, 15L, 20L, 13L, 10L),
              x  = c(16:20))
joyn(x1, y1, match_type = "m:1")

# Bad merge for not specifying by argument or match_type
joyn(x2, y2)

# good merge, ignoring variable x from y
joyn(x2, y2, by = "id", match_type = "m:1")

# update NAs in x variable form x
joyn(x2, y2, by = "id", update_NAs = TRUE, match_type = "m:1")

# Update values in x with variables from y
joyn(x2, y2, by = "id", update_values = TRUE, match_type = "m:1")

display type of joyn message


display type of joyn message


joyn_msg(msg_type = getOption("joyn.msg_type"), msg = NULL)



character: one or more of the following: all, basic, info, note, warn, timing, or err


character vector to be parsed to cli::cli_abort(). Default is NULL. It only works if "err" %in% msg_type. This is an internal argument.


returns data frame with message invisibly. print message in console

See Also

Messages functions clear_joynenv(), joyn_msgs_exist(), joyn_report(), msg_type_dt(), store_msg(), style(), type_choices()


x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
x  = 11:15)

y1 = data.table(id = 1:2,
                y  = c(11L, 15L))
df <- joyn(x1, y1, match_type = "m:1")

Print JOYn report table


Print JOYn report table


joyn_report(verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"))



logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


invisible table of frequencies

See Also

Messages functions clear_joynenv(), joyn_msg(), joyn_msgs_exist(), msg_type_dt(), store_msg(), style(), type_choices()


x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
x  = 11:15)

y1 = data.table(id = 1:2,
                y  = c(11L, 15L))

d <- joyn(x1, y1, match_type = "m:1")
joyn_report(verbose = TRUE)

Left join two data frames


This is a joyn wrapper that works in a similar fashion to dplyr::left_join


  by = intersect(names(x), names(y)),
  copy = FALSE,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = NULL,
  na_matches = c("na", "never"),
  multiple = "all",
  unmatched = "drop",
  relationship = NULL,
  y_vars_to_keep = TRUE,
  update_values = FALSE,
  update_NAs = update_values,
  reportvar = getOption("joyn.reportvar"),
  reporttype = c("factor", "character", "numeric"),
  roll = NULL,
  keep_common_vars = FALSE,
  sort = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"),



data frame: referred to as left in R terminology, or master in Stata terminology.


data frame: referred to as right in R terminology, or using in Stata terminology.


a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, joyn will do a natural join, using all variables with common names across the two tables. A message lists the variables so that you can check they're correct (to suppress the message, simply explicitly list the variables that you want to join). To join by different variables on x and y use a vector of expressions. For example, by = c("a = b", "z") will use "a" in x, "b" in y, and "z" in both tables.


If x and y are not from the same data source, and copy is TRUE, then y will be copied into the same src as x. This allows you to join tables across srcs, but it is a potentially expensive operation so you must opt into it.


If there are non-joined duplicate variables in x and y, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.


Should the join keys from both x and y be preserved in the output?

  • If NULL, the default, joins on equality retain only the keys from x, while joins on inequality retain the keys from both inputs.

  • If TRUE, all keys from both inputs are retained.

  • If FALSE, only keys from x are retained. For right and full joins, the data in key columns corresponding to rows that only exist in y are merged into the key columns from x. Can't be used when joining on inequality conditions.


Should two NA or two NaN values match?

  • "na", the default, treats two NA or two NaN values as equal, like %in%, match(), and merge().

  • "never" treats two NA or two NaN values as different, and will never match them together or to any other values. This is similar to joins for database sources and to base::merge(incomparables = NA).


Handling of rows in x with multiple matches in y. For each row of x:

  • "all", the default, returns every match detected in y. This is the same behavior as SQL.

  • "any" returns one match detected in y, with no guarantees on which match will be returned. It is often faster than "first" and "last" if you just need to detect if there is at least one match.

  • "first" returns the first match detected in y.

  • "last" returns the last match detected in y.


How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rows be handled?

  • "drop" drops unmatched keys from the result.

  • "error" throws an error if unmatched keys are detected.

unmatched is intended to protect you from accidentally dropping rows during a join. It only checks for unmatched keys in the input that could potentially drop rows.

  • For left joins, it checks y.

  • For right joins, it checks x.

  • For inner joins, it checks both x and y. In this case, unmatched is also allowed to be a character vector of length 2 to specify the behavior for x and y independently.


Handling of the expected relationship between the keys of x and y. If the expectations chosen from the list below are invalidated, an error is thrown.

  • NULL, the default, doesn't expect there to be any relationship between x and y. However, for equality joins it will check for a many-to-many relationship (which is typically unexpected) and will warn if one occurs, encouraging you to either take a closer look at your inputs or make this relationship explicit by specifying "many-to-many".

    See the Many-to-many relationships section for more details.

  • "one-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "one-to-many" expects:

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "many-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

  • "many-to-many" doesn't perform any relationship checks, but is provided to allow you to be explicit about this relationship if you know it exists.

relationship doesn't handle cases where there are zero matches. For that, see unmatched.


character: Vector of variable names in y that will be kept after the merge. If TRUE (the default), it keeps all the brings all the variables in y into x. If FALSE or NULL, it does not bring any variable into x, but a report will be generated.


logical: If TRUE, it will update all values of variables in x with the actual of variables in y with the same name as the ones in x. NAs from y won't be used to update actual values in x. Yet, by default, NAs in x will be updated with values in y. To avoid this, make sure to set update_NAs = FALSE


logical: If TRUE, it will update NA values of all variables in x with actual values of variables in y that have the same name as the ones in x. If FALSE, NA values won't be updated, even if update_values is TRUE


character: Name of reporting variable. Default is ".joyn". This is the same as variable "_merge" in Stata after performing a merge. If FALSE or NULL, the reporting variable will be excluded from the final table, though a summary of the join will be display after concluding.


character: One of "character" or "numeric". Default is "character". If "numeric", the reporting variable will contain numeric codes of the source and the contents of each observation in the joined table. See below for more information.


double: to be implemented


logical: If TRUE, it will keep the original variable from y when both tables have common variable names. Thus, the prefix "y." will be added to the original name to distinguish from the resulting variable in the joined table.


logical: If TRUE, sort by key variables in by. Default is FALSE.


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed on to joyn


character: one of "m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1". Default is "1:1" since this the most restrictive. However, following Stata's recommendation, it is better to be explicit and use any of the other three match types (See details in match types sections).


logical: Check documentation in official web site. Default is NULL, which implies that if the join is "1:1" it will be FALSE, but if the join has any "m" on it, it will be converted to TRUE. By specifying TRUE of FALSE you force the behavior of the join.


A character(2) specifying the suffixes to be used for making non-by column names unique. The suffix behaviour works in a similar fashion as the base::merge method does.


[Superseded]: use now y_vars_to_keep


[Superseded]: use now keep_common_vars


character: type of messages to display by default


logical. If TRUE, missing values in the data are placed last; if FALSE, they are placed first; if NA they are removed. na.last=NA is valid only for x[order(., na.last)] and its default is TRUE. setorder and setorderv only accept TRUE/FALSE with default FALSE.


An data frame of the same class as x. The properties of the output are as close as possible to the ones returned by the dplyr alternative.

See Also

Other dplyr alternatives: anti_join(), full_join(), inner_join(), right_join()


# Simple left join

x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = 11:15)
y1 = data.table(id = c(1,2, 4),
                y  = c(11L, 15L, 16))
left_join(x1, y1, relationship = "many-to-one")

Merge two data frames


This is a joyn wrapper that works in a similar fashion to base::merge and data.table::merge, which is why merge masks the other two.


  by = NULL,
  by.x = NULL,
  by.y = NULL,
  all = FALSE,
  all.x = all,
  all.y = all,
  sort = TRUE,
  suffixes = c(".x", ".y"),
  no.dups = TRUE,
  allow.cartesian = getOption("datatable.allow.cartesian"),
  match_type = c("m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1"),
  keep_common_vars = TRUE,


x, y

data tables. y is coerced to a data.table if it isn't one already.


A vector of shared column names in x and y to merge on. This defaults to the shared key columns between the two tables. If y has no key columns, this defaults to the key of x.

by.x, by.y

Vectors of column names in x and y to merge on.


logical; all = TRUE is shorthand to save setting both all.x = TRUE and all.y = TRUE.


logical; if TRUE, rows from x which have no matching row in y are included. These rows will have 'NA's in the columns that are usually filled with values from y. The default is FALSE so that only rows with data from both x and y are included in the output.


logical; analogous to all.x above.


logical. If TRUE (default), the rows of the merged data.table are sorted by setting the key to the by / by.x columns. If FALSE, unlike base R's merge for which row order is unspecified, the row order in x is retained (including retaining the position of missing entries when all.x=TRUE), followed by y rows that don't match x (when all.y=TRUE) retaining the order those appear in y.


A character(2) specifying the suffixes to be used for making non-by column names unique. The suffix behaviour works in a similar fashion as the method does.


logical indicating that suffixes are also appended to non-by.y column names in y when they have the same column name as any by.x.


See allow.cartesian in [.data.table.


character: one of "m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1". Default is "1:1" since this the most restrictive. However, following Stata's recommendation, it is better to be explicit and use any of the other three match types (See details in match types sections).


logical: If TRUE, it will keep the original variable from y when both tables have common variable names. Thus, the prefix "y." will be added to the original name to distinguish from the resulting variable in the joined table.


Arguments passed on to joyn


character: Vector of variable names in y that will be kept after the merge. If TRUE (the default), it keeps all the brings all the variables in y into x. If FALSE or NULL, it does not bring any variable into x, but a report will be generated.


character: Name of reporting variable. Default is ".joyn". This is the same as variable "_merge" in Stata after performing a merge. If FALSE or NULL, the reporting variable will be excluded from the final table, though a summary of the join will be display after concluding.


logical: If TRUE, it will update NA values of all variables in x with actual values of variables in y that have the same name as the ones in x. If FALSE, NA values won't be updated, even if update_values is TRUE


logical: If TRUE, it will update all values of variables in x with the actual of variables in y with the same name as the ones in x. NAs from y won't be used to update actual values in x. Yet, by default, NAs in x will be updated with values in y. To avoid this, make sure to set update_NAs = FALSE


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


data.table merging x and y


x1 = data.frame(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = 11:15)
y1 = data.frame(id = c(1,2, 4),
                y  = c(11L, 15L, 16))
joyn::merge(x1, y1, by = "id")
# example of using by.x and by.y
x2 = data.frame(id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3),
                id2 = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4),
                t   = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x   = c(16, 12, NA, NA, 15))
y2 = data.frame(id  = c(1, 2, 5, 6, 3),
                id2 = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4),
                y   = c(11L, 15L, 20L, 13L, 10L),
                x   = c(16:20))
jn <- joyn::merge(x2,
            match_type = "m:m",
            all.x = TRUE,
            by.x = "id1",
            by.y = "id2")
# example with all = TRUE
jn <- joyn::merge(x2,
            match_type = "m:m",
            by.x = "id1",
            by.y = "id2",
            all = TRUE)

Find possible unique identifies of data frame


Identify possible combinations of variables that uniquely identifying dt


  vars = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  include = NULL,
  exclude_classes = NULL,
  include_classes = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("possible_ids.verbose", default = FALSE),
  min_combination_size = 1,
  max_combination_size = 5,
  max_processing_time = 60,
  max_numb_possible_ids = 100,
  get_all = FALSE



data frame


character: A vector of variable names to consider for identifying unique combinations.


character: Names of variables to exclude from analysis


character: Name of variable to be included, that might belong to the group excluded in the exclude


character: classes to exclude from analysis (e.g., "numeric", "integer", "date")


character: classes to include in the analysis (e.g., "numeric", "integer", "date")


logical: If FALSE no message will be displayed. Default is TRUE


numeric: Min number of combinations. Default is 1, so all combinations.


numeric. Max number of combinations. Default is 5. If there is a combinations of identifiers larger than max_combination_size, they won't be found


numeric: Max time to process in seconds. After that, it returns what it found.


numeric: Max number of possible IDs to find. See details.


logical: get all possible combinations based on the parameters above.


list with possible identifiers

Number of possible IDs

The number of possible IDs in a dataframe could be very large. This is why, possible_ids() makes use of heuristics to return something useful without wasting the time of the user. In addition, we provide multiple parameter so that the user can fine tune their search for possible IDs easily and quickly.

Say for instance that you have a dataframe with 10 variables. Testing every possible pair of variables will give you 90 possible unique identifiers for this dataframe. If you want to test all the possible IDs, you will have to test more 5000 combinations. If the dataframe has many rows, it may take a while.


x4 = data.table(id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3),
                id2 = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4),
                t   = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x   = c(16, 12, NA, NA, 15))

Rename to syntactically valid names


Rename to syntactically valid names


rename_to_valid(name, verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"))



character: name to be coerced to syntactically valid name


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


valid character name


joyn:::rename_to_valid("x y")

Right join two data frames


This is a joyn wrapper that works in a similar fashion to dplyr::right_join


  by = intersect(names(x), names(y)),
  copy = FALSE,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = NULL,
  na_matches = c("na", "never"),
  multiple = "all",
  unmatched = "drop",
  relationship = "one-to-one",
  y_vars_to_keep = TRUE,
  update_values = FALSE,
  update_NAs = update_values,
  reportvar = getOption("joyn.reportvar"),
  reporttype = c("factor", "character", "numeric"),
  roll = NULL,
  keep_common_vars = FALSE,
  sort = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("joyn.verbose"),



data frame: referred to as left in R terminology, or master in Stata terminology.


data frame: referred to as right in R terminology, or using in Stata terminology.


a character vector of variables to join by. If NULL, the default, joyn will do a natural join, using all variables with common names across the two tables. A message lists the variables so that you can check they're correct (to suppress the message, simply explicitly list the variables that you want to join). To join by different variables on x and y use a vector of expressions. For example, by = c("a = b", "z") will use "a" in x, "b" in y, and "z" in both tables.


If x and y are not from the same data source, and copy is TRUE, then y will be copied into the same src as x. This allows you to join tables across srcs, but it is a potentially expensive operation so you must opt into it.


If there are non-joined duplicate variables in x and y, these suffixes will be added to the output to disambiguate them. Should be a character vector of length 2.


Should the join keys from both x and y be preserved in the output?

  • If NULL, the default, joins on equality retain only the keys from x, while joins on inequality retain the keys from both inputs.

  • If TRUE, all keys from both inputs are retained.

  • If FALSE, only keys from x are retained. For right and full joins, the data in key columns corresponding to rows that only exist in y are merged into the key columns from x. Can't be used when joining on inequality conditions.


Should two NA or two NaN values match?

  • "na", the default, treats two NA or two NaN values as equal, like %in%, match(), and merge().

  • "never" treats two NA or two NaN values as different, and will never match them together or to any other values. This is similar to joins for database sources and to base::merge(incomparables = NA).


Handling of rows in x with multiple matches in y. For each row of x:

  • "all", the default, returns every match detected in y. This is the same behavior as SQL.

  • "any" returns one match detected in y, with no guarantees on which match will be returned. It is often faster than "first" and "last" if you just need to detect if there is at least one match.

  • "first" returns the first match detected in y.

  • "last" returns the last match detected in y.


How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rows be handled?

  • "drop" drops unmatched keys from the result.

  • "error" throws an error if unmatched keys are detected.

unmatched is intended to protect you from accidentally dropping rows during a join. It only checks for unmatched keys in the input that could potentially drop rows.

  • For left joins, it checks y.

  • For right joins, it checks x.

  • For inner joins, it checks both x and y. In this case, unmatched is also allowed to be a character vector of length 2 to specify the behavior for x and y independently.


Handling of the expected relationship between the keys of x and y. If the expectations chosen from the list below are invalidated, an error is thrown.

  • NULL, the default, doesn't expect there to be any relationship between x and y. However, for equality joins it will check for a many-to-many relationship (which is typically unexpected) and will warn if one occurs, encouraging you to either take a closer look at your inputs or make this relationship explicit by specifying "many-to-many".

    See the Many-to-many relationships section for more details.

  • "one-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "one-to-many" expects:

    • Each row in y matches at most 1 row in x.

  • "many-to-one" expects:

    • Each row in x matches at most 1 row in y.

  • "many-to-many" doesn't perform any relationship checks, but is provided to allow you to be explicit about this relationship if you know it exists.

relationship doesn't handle cases where there are zero matches. For that, see unmatched.


character: Vector of variable names in y that will be kept after the merge. If TRUE (the default), it keeps all the brings all the variables in y into x. If FALSE or NULL, it does not bring any variable into x, but a report will be generated.


logical: If TRUE, it will update all values of variables in x with the actual of variables in y with the same name as the ones in x. NAs from y won't be used to update actual values in x. Yet, by default, NAs in x will be updated with values in y. To avoid this, make sure to set update_NAs = FALSE


logical: If TRUE, it will update NA values of all variables in x with actual values of variables in y that have the same name as the ones in x. If FALSE, NA values won't be updated, even if update_values is TRUE


character: Name of reporting variable. Default is ".joyn". This is the same as variable "_merge" in Stata after performing a merge. If FALSE or NULL, the reporting variable will be excluded from the final table, though a summary of the join will be display after concluding.


character: One of "character" or "numeric". Default is "character". If "numeric", the reporting variable will contain numeric codes of the source and the contents of each observation in the joined table. See below for more information.


double: to be implemented


logical: If TRUE, it will keep the original variable from y when both tables have common variable names. Thus, the prefix "y." will be added to the original name to distinguish from the resulting variable in the joined table.


logical: If TRUE, sort by key variables in by. Default is FALSE.


logical: if FALSE, it won't display any message (programmer's option). Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed on to joyn


character: one of "m:m", "m:1", "1:m", "1:1". Default is "1:1" since this the most restrictive. However, following Stata's recommendation, it is better to be explicit and use any of the other three match types (See details in match types sections).


logical: Check documentation in official web site. Default is NULL, which implies that if the join is "1:1" it will be FALSE, but if the join has any "m" on it, it will be converted to TRUE. By specifying TRUE of FALSE you force the behavior of the join.


A character(2) specifying the suffixes to be used for making non-by column names unique. The suffix behaviour works in a similar fashion as the base::merge method does.


[Superseded]: use now y_vars_to_keep


[Superseded]: use now keep_common_vars


character: type of messages to display by default


logical. If TRUE, missing values in the data are placed last; if FALSE, they are placed first; if NA they are removed. na.last=NA is valid only for x[order(., na.last)] and its default is TRUE. setorder and setorderv only accept TRUE/FALSE with default FALSE.


An data frame of the same class as x. The properties of the output are as close as possible to the ones returned by the dplyr alternative.

See Also

Other dplyr alternatives: anti_join(), full_join(), inner_join(), left_join()


# Simple right join

x1 = data.table(id = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, NA_integer_),
                t  = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, NA_integer_),
                x  = 11:15)
y1 = data.table(id = c(1,2, 4),
                y  = c(11L, 15L, 16))
right_join(x1, y1, relationship = "many-to-one")

Set joyn options


This function is used to change the value of one or more joyn options


set_joyn_options(..., env = .joynenv)



pairs of option = value


environment, which is joyn environment by default


joyn new options and values invisibly as a list

See Also

JOYn options functions get_joyn_options()


joyn:::set_joyn_options(joyn.verbose = FALSE, joyn.reportvar = "joyn_status")
joyn:::set_joyn_options() # return to default options